Consensus AI: Can It Really Make Research Easier? We Put It to the Test

Ever felt overwhelmed by the sheer volume of research papers out there? There are millions of scientific papers on pretty much any relevant topic. Sifting through endless abstracts and dense jargon can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. 

But what if there was a tool that could simplify the process and deliver the scientific insights you need, right when you need them? That’s what Consensus AI does – It leverages NLP and Machine learning to understand, synthesize and find the most relevant research to answer your burning questions. It gives you citations to include in your content, full research paper link for a deep dive or just provides a simple overview.

Moreover, Consensus AI doesn’t quite work like a normal search engine. It doesn’t just spit out a list of links; it dives deep into the data, analyzing millions of peer-reviewed papers to surface the most relevant findings for your specific question. But does it really deliver on the promise, or just another shiny new tool? We at TechPilot rolled up our sleeves and put Consensus to the test, and here’s what we discovered: 

Consensus AI Best Use Cases:

  • Students: Find credible sources and evidence for your essays and research projects without getting lost in a sea of information.
  • Researchers: Speed up your literature reviews, uncover niche studies, and stay up-to-date with the latest findings in your field.
  • Healthcare Professionals: Quickly access evidence-based answers to patient questions, make informed treatment decisions, and stay abreast of the latest medical advancements.
  • Analysts & Decision-Makers: Find relevant data to support your recommendations and presentations, saving you valuable time and effort.
  • Content Creators: Source credible insights and statistics to enhance your articles, videos, and other content.
  • Curious Minds: Explore scientific topics you’re passionate about and get reliable, evidence-backed answers.
Consensus AI
Overall rating: 8.85/10
Ease of Use: 9/10
Integrations: 8.5/10
Functionality/Tools: 8.9/10
Pricing: 9/10
Starts at - $8.99/month.
Model - Pay per Month.

Intuitive Search: Asking a question in plain English is all it takes. No need to master complex search terms.

Lightning-Fast Summaries: Get instant summaries of research papers, saving you hours of reading time.

Evidence-Based: Consensus doesn't just tell you what the research says; it shows you the evidence, citing specific studies and quotes.Moreover, provides citations and links to the full article

User-Friendly Interface: The platform is clean, uncluttered, and easy to navigate, making your research journey a breeze.


Limited Scope: Consensus focuses primarily on scientific research. If you're looking for information on other topics, you'll need to look elsewhere.

Free Version Limitations: The free version offers a limited number of AI-powered features. For full access, you'll need to upgrade to a paid plan.

  • AI-Powered Search: Consensus AI uses natural language processing to understand your questions and find the most relevant research papers.
  • Instant Summaries: Get concise summaries of research findings in seconds, saving you valuable time.
  • Consensus Meter: See the level of agreement among scientists on a particular topic, helping you gauge the strength of the evidence.
  • Study Snapshot: Get a quick overview of a study’s key details, including population, sample size, methodology, and results.
  • Transparency Rating: Research is listed based on their badges won for transparency and citations across the internet
  • GPT: Consensus AI has a Custom GPT created in the OpenAI GPTs app that you can access directly from ChatGPT Interface.
  • Copilot: Ask questions, get research suggestions, and even have the AI generate text based on your query.
Consensus AI screenshot #1 Search Tab

Consensus AI screenshot #2 Study Snapshot Consensus AI screenshot #3 Study page

TechPilot’s Verdict on Consensus AI

Consensus AI is a game-changer for anyone who needs to access and understand scientific research. It helps with taking billions of papers and complex jargon into bite-sized, simplified versions for quick overviews and improved clarity.

Is it perfect? Not yet, but it’s still evolving, and some features are more polished and implemented. The free version’s limitations might be frustrating for some users. However, the potential of Consensus AI for quality research, improved productivity and time saving is undeniable. It’s a tool that is built on solid scientific knowledge and with a simple mission: support individuals to make informed decisions based on evidence.

If you’re a student, researcher, healthcare professional, or simply someone who values evidence-based information, Consensus AI is definitely worth checking out. It might just change the way you approach research forever.

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